Need a website?

Building secure applications on the web.

I am a web developer and ethical hacker. I play ultimate frisbee, and enjoy board games and good food.

  • Dutch (native)

  • English (C2 certified by EFSET)

  • French (B1 estimated by ESL)

  • Interest in languages (e.g. Spanish, Arabic)

I speak your language.

Martijn is a native Dutch speaker from Flanders, Belgium. His attention to detail extends to language, where he takes pride in his proficiency and accuracy.

With a C2 certification (native level) in English and eight years of French classes throughout his education, Martijn truly speaks your language.

On Martijn's website, you can read about his experience, education, and awards.


Martijn's rich background spans development, cyber security, event organising, digital innovation, and more.

Martijn's experience


Martijn shows an eagerness for learning and improvement. He holds a master's degree in computer science.

Martijn's education


Martijn is recognised for excellence in cyber security, project management, innovation, and communication skills.

Martijn's prizes and awards


Martijn believes writing enforces a thorough understanding. Find articles on web, hacking, and technology.

Martijn's articles